Online gaming is the talk of the town these days since it lets you have fun with your friends with shared interests. It’s intense, addicting, and a little competition never hurt anyone.
However, it cannot ever substitute for the amazing feeling that you get from experiencing a great storyline. And then putting the controller down to internalize everything that happened as the credits roll by. Single player gaming will always be an amazing thing and millions prove that statement everyday by purchasing great video games.
Today, we’re looking at the best single player PS4 games that you can play right now!
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The Best Single Player PS4 Games
The PlayStation 4 is a console 117 million people own all over the world. And throughout its life, there have been many great single player experiences that earned widespread acclaim.
It’s hard to call one objectively better than the other, so here are some of our favorites that you’ll surely enjoy.
1. Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut

Ghost of Tsushima is one of the best single player PS4 games that you will ever play. The game is set during the first Mongol invasion of Japan and takes us into the life of a Samurai called Jin Sakai. The premise itself is very cool to start with, but the game has so much more depth than you’d imagine.
The story takes many twists and turns, which shows that fighting honorably is not always the best idea. And the gameplay complements the narrative of the game by offering different ways to play. For example, you can fight using stealth and bombs to make sure your enemy doesn’t see you coming. Or you can face everyone head-on and use one of the many fighting styles to take down entire armies.
The world of the game is a beautiful recreation of Tsushima Island, which is an amazingly gorgeous piece of land. There are trees, grass, flowers, mountains, snow, horses, castles, and so much more. Not only is navigation very fun, but the exploration is rewarding too with many things to discover.
And last but not least – even the soundtrack of the game is beautiful and helps you feel the heat of the battle. And the acting performances are amazing, which helps you connect with the characters.
It’s an excellent game that will keep you engaged for many hours. And once it’s all over, you’ll still have tons of side quests and territorial disputes to solve which will keep you busy for even longer. Though the vanilla version of the game is great too, we recommend Director’s Cut for extra content.
2. God of War Ragnarok

If you’ve played the 2018 God of War game, then you’re ready for one of the most anticipated PS4 games of 2022. This game is the conclusion to the Norse Mythology part of Kratos’ journey, as the studio confirmed they are not going to make a trilogy out of it.
Ragnarök takes everything that made the prequel so much fun and expands on it greatly. The graphics are better, the gameplay has many improvements, and the world is larger and lets you explore more parts of it than ever before. And of course, the story is just as amazing as last time – only now you will get to see how it ends.
Dozens of action-adventure games exist, but only a few come close to the legacy of God of War. And since the game has received so many 10 out of 10s by fans and critics alike, you will be getting your hands on a Game of The Year contender without a doubt.
If you haven’t played the previous game, then do make sure to play it first. It’s one of the best PS4 single player games too and does not cost much right now.
3. Elden Ring

You can’t have a PlayStation console without a Souls game in your collection. Though Bloodborne is considered to be the high by many, Elden Ring is the latest addition to the franchise. And it is easily one of the best single player PS4 games that you can play due to many reasons.
First of all, the game offers unparalleled freedom to the players. There are many classes to choose from and all of them have their own playstyle. Not only that, but even in a subclass, the weapons you will use feel different to each other. Then we have the fact that the game has many routes to follow. You won’t fight every single enemy or boss in a single run, so the replayability of Elden Ring is amazing.
It’s the perfect single player experience on the PS4 because of just how much it has to offer. You don’t to be a hardcore fan of RPG games to enjoy it, because it feels like a league of its own. The action is amazing, the lore is compelling, the enemy design is eerie, and the world is excitingly fun to explore too. Between God of War Ragnarok and Elden Ring, one of the two will be the Game of the Year.
4. Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a game that is in a league of its own. Sure, many open-world video games with shooting exist, but none of them feature the detail that this game has. Every single thing that you see has been crafted with amazing detail, even if it’s the skin of a horse or a slab of meat at the barber shop. And your character even has needs, such as needing warmer clothes in winter and staying fed.
The story is the best part of the game, as it’s a very engaging plot about outlaws trying to survive in the wild west. The characters have a lot of depth and despite their flaws, you will find yourself attached to them. This game serves as a prequel to RDR1, but even if you know what comes next, it’s still such an amazing experience to play.
The game has a unique atmosphere that many few western video games managed to capture. And the world exploration is so much fun too, because of side missions, details, and random encounters that you will find. It’s one of the best single player PS4 games in the genre.
5. Final Fantasy 7 Remake

If you’re in a bit of a JRPG mood, then Final Fantasy 7 Remake is what you need. Based on the PS1 classic, this game is essentially a reimagining of the original story with many twists and turns that you wouldn’t expect to see.
The graphics are stunning, the characters have fun personalities, and the gameplay is very intense. You have to engage in RPG leveling, which means that you can’t just cheese your way through the entire game. So, you will pay attention to yourself and your party while exploring the beautiful world of FF7 – which is uniquely atmospheric in a way only Square Enix can offer.
It’s a great way to get into the franchise if you never played any before. And even for those who enjoyed the original, it’s one of the best single player PS4 games thanks to the new content.
6. Resident Evil 2 (Remake)

Resident Evil is a major franchise that has tons of great games. But if you’re using a PS4, then one of the best options you have is the Resident Evil 2 remake.
Built from the ground up, Resident Evil 2 is one of the best single player PS4 games thanks to its beautifully crafted horror gameplay. As the player, you will find yourself in confined environments that are filled with dangerous zombies at every corner. But that’s not all, the mysterious Mr. X will always chase you down too, who is nearly invincible.
And then, there are the puzzles that always keep you searching for clues so that you can get out of the hellhole known as Raccoon City. It’s intense, beautifully paced, and features two playable characters that add replay value.
7. Marvel’s Spider-Man + Miles Morales

If you’re in a mood for a comic adventure, then Spider-Man is what you should go for. This is one of the best superhero games ever made, especially for our favorite webslinging hero.
The graphics are amazingly detailed, and New York is recreated wonderfully. The city is filled with many buildings to swing on, there are many side quests, and tons of randomly generated crimes to stop. No Spider-Man game can be complete with great swinging and a good city – and fortunately this game has it all.
The combat is pretty fun too and you can unlock tons of abilities, some of which come with unique suits for Peter. And on top of that, there are many notable boss fights which will keep you to the edge of your seat.
Of course, even the story is great, and you’ll get to see your favorite hero struggle more than once. No Spider-Man story is great without some tragedy after all!
Miles Morales is an expansion and features a new storyline for the young Spidey. So, make sure not to miss out on that too. Out of all the best single player PS4 games, these two are a love letter for any superhero fan.

That’s it for our list of the best single player PS4 games today. All of them belong to different genres and you’ll have a lot of fun playing them. The story, the graphics, and world exploration – everything is detailed and will provide you hundreds of hours’ worth of fun. Plus, you can find some of them on sales too.
Some honorable mentions include The Last of Us 1: Remastered, Uncharted 4, Ratchet & Clank, Tekken 7, Mortal Kombat 11, and Persona 5 Royal. But most people have played those games already, as they have been bundled with the console. But if you’re looking for more – try them out.
If you’re looking for genre-specific games, then you can check out some of our other lists too such as Best Car Driving Games of All Time.